Jean C. Cotamora

To better understand and appreciate what we have now, it is
important for us to consider and dig the past.
0399 BCE – Purely
inquiry & the Socratic Method; through the use of questioning
1774 – 1875 -
Learning sequence & object-teaching; it focused on the natural growth of
the mind. It employsPestalozzian principles which emphasized breaking content
down into sequences with a teacher-centered approach.
1806 – 1853 -
Affordable education; back then there were notions of free public school. Social
status often indicated whether individuals had access to education.
1852 – 1892-
Distance education; this doesn’t mean “online learning”; stenograph and post
office opened up opportunities to develop correspondence courses.
1867 – 1875 -
Object teaching the Quincy methods; the teacher was still considered the sole
source of knowledge, however there was a variation of object-teaching that was
employed in Quincy, Massachusetts. Students learned through sensory active processes,
learning by doing.
1889 – 1892 -
Method of apperception; there were identified levels of learning, among were:
(1) sensory activity; (2) reproduction of already existing ideas; and (3)
assimilating the new concept with the old concept. This was a teacher-centered
approach where the teacher has prepared questions and answers that they used to
impart knowledge.
1910 – 1923-
Visual instruction; motion picture projector is an instructional media device
used in schools to incorporate films, slides, and photographs for use in
1939 – Audio-visual
instruction &World War II. There was a need for mass instruction (training)
for the military and the advent of audiovisual technology resulted in an impact
on educational technology.
1950 – 1965 -
Instructional TV& programmed instruction; used teacher-centered
broadcasting of teachers lecturing. Programmed instructional materials could
increase self-paced learning through sequential content presentation,
questioning techniques, and immediate feedback.
1981 - IBM introduces
pc; IBM releases the first Personal Computer.
1982 – 1985 - Satellite
TV systems
1995 - WARD
CUNNIGHAM: The first wiki was created.
1998 - International
Society for Technology Education (ISTE) recognizes the influences technology
has on education and developed National Education Technology Standards (NETS).
2005 – 2012 –
Emergence of Learning Management Systems; LMS platforms provide interactive
software and online tools, such as discussion boards and dropboxes, to support
instructional methods.
2007 – 2012 - Participatory
journalism; allowing readers worldwide to comment and participate in news has a
major impact on society and educational technology because reading and
discussion becomes more than a process limited to a small audience within the
walls of the classroom.
2007 - Flip video
camera is introduced as an affordable digital camcorder. Videos impact
educational technology because students can create videos as performance
2008 – 2012 -Khan
Academy has impacted educational technology because content/courseware is open-source
and available to anyone.
2008 – 2012 –
Emergence of Edmodo. It is an example of how teachers in traditional classrooms
can integrate anytime, anywhere learning to promote collaboration in a secure
2010 – 2012 –
21stcentury tablet; Apple has impacted the field of educational technology by
opening up iTunesU and iBook Author, which curates current content and allows
easy creation of interactive books and content.


Later, I will exert an effort in applying the newest
approaches and strategies in teaching. I will integrate technology in my
teaching not just for the reason of improving my instruction but to bring my
students to the generation. I will try not to be retroactive but instead makes
use of what’s new and be dynamic. I should not stop learning; I must go with
the flow.
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