Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lesson 2: An Overview of Educational Technology 2

Jean C. Cotamora BSED General Science 4


           This lesson is an overview of what to expect In Educational Technology 2 (EdTech 2). In EdTech 2, the general focus on the integration of technology in the teaching and learning process. This encompasses the teaching and sharing to the students the knowledge and skills to become better technology learners. Not only to the students, teachers and aspiring teachers are taught an updated on the new trends in educational technology so that they may be able (we may be able) to use technology in teaching students. It will help teachers adapt to technological changes.

            Educational Technology 2 will talks about providing understanding about computers and its functions and services, specifically applications/soft wares that cater computer-based activities that will truly help students and teachers.         
Computer as tutor
As said above, it is about integrating technology in education. Specifically, it aims the following: (1) providing technology in instruction – technology is basically incorporated to education for the purpose of uplifting teachers’ teaching and students’ learning for a better educational system. (2) Impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning - by this, teachers teaching will become better. It will be easy for the teachers to make students understand because illustrations are better. As for the students, they will get to know how to use technology in their learning. (3) Acquaint students on IT-related learning theories with the computer as a tutor – to the students, computer will not just be for entertainment, but will be a teacher (but not the point of substituting the teacher) in the sense that there applications in the computer that can help the student learn on their own. (4) Learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources - as said above, students can learn on their own with the help of computers, but they also get to evaluate will computer application for them is helpful base on learning preferences; students will not just passive learners but they are active learners in this context.  (5) Engage learners on practical technology – by making use of technology students skills become better; they develop skills, say, practical or presentation skills; they get to cooperate with others and develop social skills; they develop independent learning with the help of the Internet. And (6) Inculcate higher-level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of IT-related learning theories – students construct their own ideas, through that they will think critically and develop higher-level thinking. 

Below is a video about "Practical Ways to Integrate Technology in the Classroom"


            When I was in high school, the only subject that integrates technology in my learning is “Computer.” Now in college, almost every subject makes use of technology. I think, without technology integration to my teachers’ teaching today, instructional process would really take time. Technology has helped me coped with the kind of education I am having today. I have become a better learner. I have developed skills I never think I would ever develop. I have learned how to use several soft wares which I think would be very helpful in my teaching later. I have never thought I’d be able to do simple video, audio, and photo editing.
            With EdTech 2, I think I will get to know more of the computer-applications will really be of great help later. I will become a better evaluator of technology and its application – I get to choose which is more appropriate for instruction. I have learned to conceptualized things and come up with an output. I am looking forward for my practical and presentation skills to be better. All these and more, as I get through this course. 


            “To be able to teach, one must learn first.” Technology is helpful, but its helpfulness depends on the appropriateness of its usage. No matter how sophisticated and how proven a certain technology is, the extent of its help still depends on its usage because “no size fits all.” Teachers must not use technology just for the sake of using technology but must bear in mind that technology is used in education to make teaching and learning better.
            In this fast changing world, teachers must adapt. Teachers must make use of the technology students are so fascinated with in to something that can be used in education to turn the bane into boon. 

How do we apply technology?

           In my teaching later, I think it would be important for me to learn first the technology that I am going to let my students work with because I will not be able to judge on their learning if I do not know what’s behind I am judging. It is important for me to be updated constantly with what is new in educational technology to have variety of ways and strategies in to teaching. With my knowledge about Educational Technology 2, I will understand my students better. I get to choose which is more appropriate in my teaching. I will be able to help my students think critically and come up with concepts that will boost their creativity. Computer will be my aid technology will be one my backbones in teaching. 

Here is another video of Integrating Technology in Eduation. 


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