Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

Jean C. Cotamora BSED General Science 4


Here's a video about Internet and Education: 

The Internet, shortly termed “net” has become an important part of education as a whole (from administrative to actual teaching and learning process). The Internet is a network system of many systems. It is not a network, rather, a collection of networks across the globe from which computers access. It does not have an owner, no central office and it does not tell users information of what is available in the system – the user searches it. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a set of standardized rules for exchange of data. To access to the Internet, a computer must have a server which has software that uses Internet protocol. Internet is used not only in education but almost in all industries and fields. Vast amount of information can be accessed in the Internet, both old and up-to-date information. Browsing is the way of going through the net through a program called browser. The number of Internet users are growing every day. Every now then, people and companies requiring its services gets many by the minute.

Along with Internet development is the rise of educational software materials. Both teachers and learners are now provided with vast choices of software to use. It is up to them how to make use of those effectively.


If it were not because of the Internet, I would have not reached where I am right now. I must say, a big percentage of college students graduated college because of the internet. Since the Internet provides everything, I make use of it in the utmost way possible. Searching in the net provides immediate information about something but I don’t trust everything that results when I hit the search bar.

The internet has revolutionized me from being spoon-fed learner to being an independent learner. I have learned through time that I can learn on my own, at my own pace, at my own time, by my own preference and interest. With the Internet, I get to communicate with distant friends and get to travel (not really travel, like transfer from place to another; travel in a sense) to different places by being able to see other places by researching it.


Although the Internet may provide everything, it is important for a learner to examine the information he/she is getting from the net. Not everything in it is reliable, some are just made by people for fun. As said above, anything can be found in the net, even bad information. Hence, the teacher must never forget to guide the learners in choosing the right sources or right way of researching and examining information.


Internet in education
As a future teacher, I must make use of the internet in making my lessons and teaching as a whole, better. I must make use of sites that offers simulation activities for my students to experience. I must makes use of the information from the Internet for me to be updated. I must let my students explore the net for them to develop the zest for learning on their own. I should give researching activities to develop my students’ researching skills and evaluative skills in selecting good and reliable sources. I must conform to the trend for me not to be out of place in teaching the 21st century students.

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