Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum

Jean C. Cotamora BSED General Science 4

 Here's a video about Technology in Education:

By definition practicum is the practical application of what has been learned and acquired during the process of learning. Educational technology 2 offers a practical application of the theories learned and skills acquired during the discussion. This practicum makes teachers and teachers in the making equipped with the necessary computer skills to become a more effective teacher and the learners become computer literate. Practicum is the hands-on phase in learning. However, in order for a practicum to happen, there must be an avenue for it, example a computer laboratory where learners could do an actual drill. There must also be an expert to guide the learners. There must be time allotment to allow everyone to do the “hands-on.” Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Internet inquiring are among the basic applications in the computer that a learner or a teacher must have or master to meet the technology challenges in the 21st century. This is also for the teachers to be prepared in meeting the technology learners of the 21st century.


I can say that I have these basic skills but I have gone through a rough road to have these. In high school, although I was taught to acquire these skills, I did not receive enough reinforcement to further develop these skills back then. I learned to use MS Word by simply typing nonsense things then later I realized its use when I was asked to submit an output out of it. Same is true for MS PowerPoint. Learning to surf the net however wasn’t that difficult for me. I learned to use the internet by observing. I can still remember the first thing I research in Google was the Loch Ness monster, Nessie. Now in college, I can say that these skills have become better. I can make better outputs now form MS Word and PowerPoint and I have now better researching techniques.


To be equipped with these basic skills means to be ready to face the future. We are towards the digital world and so, in order to go with the flow, one must really have the skills. It is important for a teacher however to acquire more skills other than these three. These are just basic, hence there are higher skills. A teacher for the digital future must continue to learn (regardless of his/her age) since learning recognizes no age and the future needs competent teachers. Teachers must expand more their wings and learn other skills other than teaching. They must make it necessary for them to acquire more skills if they want to be fit to teach the 21st century students.

These basic computer skills can be likened to basic literacy skills – without it you cannot conform, it’s like you know nothing (there in the digital future). To be computer literate means to be in conformity with the trend – YOU ARE IN. I need to practice more. I may already have the basic skills but I know these are not enough. I need to develop more these skills into higher level and acquire others skills. For the meantime, since I still can’t access myself to learning more, I just focus on making these basic skills I already have. I must elevate it to higher level so that I can do more out these basics.

In my teaching soon, I will make use of these basic skills in making my instruction better. I will let my students too, to have this.  If in case no materials are available, then I guess I will just have to introduce to them the skills. If ever computers are available, then I will require my students to make an output out of the computer related to our lesson for them to practice the skills. 

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